October 24, 2023 Melanin & Misdiagnoses: The Hidden Struggles Of Psoriasis In People Of Color Underneath the canopy of a sun-kissed sky, imagine a garden in full bloom. Each flower, distinct in its hue and texture, represents our skin – our body’s largest and most visible organ. Yet, like every garden has its uninvited guests, many of us combat the unexpected presence of psoriasis. This skin story, while universal, often […] By Nurse Alice4 min Read318 Views
September 7, 2023 Overdose Deaths From Fake Pills Are On The Rise How Big Of A Problem Are Fake Pills? Drug overdose deaths are at historically high levels in the United States, with a preliminary estimate of more than 105,000 deaths in 2022 . And now with the proliferation of counterfeit aka fake pills, which are not manufactured by pharmaceutical companies, but are typically made to look […] By Nurse Alice2 min Read551 Views
June 29, 2023 Are you getting enough rest these days? When it comes to sleep, this is one tired nation. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) between 35-45 percent of Americans unintentionally fell asleep during the day at least once and nearly five percent fell asleep while driving during the past month. And these are just the ones who admitted it. In […] By Nurse Alice2 min Read424 Views
June 29, 2023 Travel Tips: 5 Ways To Prevent Jet Lag By Nurse Alice JET LAG IS REAL! It is a temporary sleep problem that can affect anyone who quickly travels across multiple time zones. Your body has its own internal clock, or circadian rhythms, that signals your body when to stay awake and when to sleep. Jetlag occurs because your body’s clock is still synced […] By Nurse Alice1 min Read333 Views